Employee Satisfaction
Our employees are our most important resource. That’s why we base our Workplace and Wellbeing Policy on trust, pride, and unity - and a commitment between management and employees to build and maintain these values for a positive, supportive, and welcoming work culture.
2022 Goal: 95% employee attendance
2022 Result: 92.7% employee attendance
Employees rank their motivation
and commitment in their work to 83/100.
*Data from Group Employee Satisfaction Survey
Employees ranking their satisfaction
with their work-life balance to 80/100.
*Data from Group Employee Satisfaction Survey

Winning stories – People
The joys of youth
A new social group for young Eltwinners became the hottest trend at our HQ in 2022 – providing colleagues under the age of 36 with more opportunities for spontaneous and fun social events.
That fountain of youth never looked so good.
Employees rank their overall job satisfaction as
*Data from Group Employee Satisfaction Survey
Employees evaluate their sense of community, togetherness and cohesion to 73/100 with their colleagues.
*Data from Group Employee Satisfaction Survey

Winning stories – People
When the job is truly a journey
At Eltwin, we’re proud of the fact that we can nurture someone’s professional journey — no matter at what point in their career they’re starting. For Jannie Kalmar, a Production Planner, her story with us began nearly five years ago as an intern in production planning. Dispatched to Poland, she gained international on-the-job experience — and brought that back to her evolving roles with the team in Denmark.
Read about Jannie’s journey from intern to Production Planner — a combination of deep personal ambition and the opportunity to take on new challenges.